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Troubleshooting POS errors

This article summarises common issues you might experience when interacting with gift cards on your till system.

Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over a week ago

Negative balance

 “Applying this transaction would have resulted in a negative balance. Transaction not applied."

 If this error appears on your POS, ensure you have done a balance check against the card number first to check the value available to redeem.

Duplicate reference

"Duplicate reference supplied"

If this error appears on your POS, get in touch with your POS Account Manager to check why the till is using a duplicate transaction reference.

Card not found

“No card has been found for this account for the card ref supplied. Transaction not applied."

If this appears on your POS, try to search the card in your Toggle dashboard. The card may be inactive or the card number was mistyped on the till.

Example from Comtrex POS


External site ID not recognised

"The external_site_id supplied was not recognised for this account."

This means that your till reference is not configured in your Toggle account. Ask your POS Account Manager for a list of your till references.

In your Toggle dashboard, navigate to Account and configure your sites, entering the till references in the “EPOS reference” field.

After you have completed the configuration, retry the till action and the error message should not reoccur.

Example from a Comtrex POS

Example from an Orbis POS. 


Zonal POS - Connection Error

If you see a “No response from Gift Card Server” error, the connection to Toggle has failed. Check with your POS manager or your IT department to verify the configuration details are correct.

The API URL for the Gift Card Module in Zonal should set as follows:

Example error message from Zonal POS system

Zonal - "Wrong type of CLM identifier"

If you experience this error during set-up of Zonal, it is likely you need to update the CLM plugins at this particular site. Speak to your Zonal account manager if you require assistance.

Comtrex POS - M/C error

If you experience the error message “[M/C] Card Number Is Invalid For [GIFT]”, the till has interpreted the gift card number as a MasterCard number. Try entering ‘1’ before the gift card number and trying again. If this does not work, get in touch with our support team and quote the card number you are trying to use and they will assist you further in resolving the issue. 

Password or Username invalid

If you experience the error message “Password or Username invalid”, the till has not been able to connect to Toggle. Double check your till configuration and ensure it is entered correctly. Email to check the configuration you should be using if you are not sure.

Firewall issues

If your tills cannot connect to Toggle, your local firewall might be blocking the outbound connections to Toggle’s servers. Ensure the following IP is whitelisted in your firewall:

Connection issues

If you see a connection failure or “No response” error message, ensure the API URL is configured as either:
(Comtrex, Polaris, Orbis, Zonal, IBS/Access POS)

(Any other integrations)

Incorrect examples:

Other connection failure issues

If you are setting up a new account or location on a POS system and are failing to get a connection, our support team can confirm whether we can see any successful connection attempts from our side. In the case where we can't see any attempts to connect and username/password details have been double-checked, it is likely to be a network / IT issue within your own infrastructure that is preventing any connection requests from reaching our platform. You will ultimately need to speak to your own IT team to help troubleshoot this. However, one thing we would suggest your IT support does is check they can ping our API endpoint from the same network.

Merchant reference not supplied or incorrect

If you see the error message “Merchant Ref error: Either no merchant_ref was supplied, or the merchant_ref is incorrect.” this means that your till is not configured to use the correct merchant reference ID.

The merchant_ref is a mandatory part of the configuration. Ensure it is set to the number provided to you when your tills were first configured. Email to check the ID you should be using if you are not sure.

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