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Using Kurve Kiosks with Toggle

Using Toggle with your Kurve Kiosks and POS to make balance adjustments and do balance enquiries.

Written by Anthony Moore
Updated over a week ago

Getting started

When the Toggle Gift Card module is configured, you’ll see additional buttons on the Pay screen.

  • Balance Enquiry

  • Gift Card Redeem

  • Void Payments (Reversals)

  • Tender vs Discount split applied

There are 2 different journeys depending on if the setup is for Kiosks or POS.

POS Transactions

Balance Enquiry

When selecting 'Gift Card' as a payment type, you can enter / scan a Toggle gift card, and if valid it will return the balance on the card.

  1. Select Gift Card

  2. Scan or Enter card number

  3. The balance on the card will be displayed

Gift card redeem

On the payment screen, the user will have multiple options for payment. Gift Card will enable the validation and application of a Toggle gift card.

  1. Select Gift Card

  2. Scan or Enter card number

  3. The balance on the card will be displayed

  4. Enter the amount which you want to apply to the transaction

  5. Select Redeem

The selected amount will be removed from the basket total.

Kiosk Transactions

Balance Enquiry

Gift card redeem

When viewing the Basket, there will be a Add Gift Card option.

  1. Select Add Gift Card

  2. Scan or Enter card number

  3. The balance on the card will be displayed

  4. Enter the amount which you want to apply to the transaction

Applicable to all journeys

Tender vs Discount

If a card has been loaded with Discount (i.e. was not paid for by the customer), then Toggle will tell your POS at the point of redemption - The POS will then apply this payment as a Discount on your till.

This helps you clearly identify which payments are Tender or Discount, which will aid with VAT.

Void Payments (Reversals)

If a transaction is voided for any reason on the POS, the transaction will also be reversed on Toggle - meaning any balance removed will be re-applied to the card.


When a card has been used as payment, it will display on the receipt as a payment line.

The remaining balance will also be displayed in the footer of the receipt, and the card number is not printed on it.

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