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How to create a Pay It Forward
Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over 10 months ago

Quick summary

Here's the steps to create a Pay It Forward:

  1. Log in to your Toggle account

  2. From the sidebar, click on Shop > Products

  3. Click on 'Add'

  4. Select the 'Pay it forward' option

  5. Fill in the details (see below for more details)

  6. Press Save

Short video tutorial

How to set up a Pay It Forward

Read on for more info about what each part means when creating your Pay It Forward.

Pay It Forward Name:

Choose a name for the Pay It Forward. This will appear in the Toggle shop and on the customer's receipt email.

Pay It Forward Description:

Displayed on the Toggle shop homepage.

Pay It Forward Long Description:

Shown on the product's main page in the Toggle shop.

Webshop Value Options:

Set the purchase value options for the pay it forward initiative in the Toggle shop.

Add Experience Sub-Category:

Click 'add experience sub-category' to offer additional purchase options, each with its own description and price.

Number Available:

Limit the number of pay it forward purchases to avoid overselling. Leave blank if unlimited.

Product Status:

Set to 'active' to make the product accessible or 'inactive' to stop sales and hide the product.

Sales Tax:

Add the applicable sales tax for pay it forward or charitable donations, as they can incur sales tax. This will be automatically calculated in your reports.

Product Images:

Upload an image or multiple images to display on the shop page.

How does the customer "Pay It Forward"?

The customer just needs to pay for a donation on the Pay It Forward on your Toggle shop. After that is done they will get a receipt email to confirm their purchase.

Here's the journey:

1 - A customer chooses your Pay It Forward product from your Toggle shop (they will see it’s labelled as a Pay It Forward).

2 - The customer selects their options and checks out as normal.

3 - Customer makes payment and receives a receipt email confirming their purchase.

4 - You can now see Pay It Forward purchases appear in your Orders screen.

5 - And you can report on the number sold on your Overview screen.

6 - Now you can keep track of how many orders you have and you just need to keep track of how many you’ve passed on or delivered to your good cause!

7 - Make sure you tell the world on your newsletters and social channels!

Where does the donation money go to?

All payments made on your Toggle shop will go to your payment gateway that's connected to your Toggle account. So to extract the money made from a Pay It Forward and send it to your chosen charitable cause, you need to do this through Stripe (and you can use the graphs/ reports on Toggle to help figure out the donations you need to forward to the charity).

Do Pay It Forward products sit in my liabilities on Toggle?

Nope, these are removed from your liabilities as there is no redemption that is yet to take place. You’ll deal with tracking how many of the Pay It Forward products you’ve dished out separately.

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