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How to create a Bundle

Increase your average order value by curating a collection of complementary products into a bundle.

Georgina Doyle avatar
Written by Georgina Doyle
Updated over 10 months ago

What are they?

Product Bundles in Toggle are collections of products that you can group together, so that a purchaser can add a bundle to their basket and get all the products at once. Great for encouraging certain purchase combinations.

How to create a bundle

1) Head to your Toggle dashboard and select Bundle when adding a new item to your shop.

2) Give your Bundle a name, description, add an image, as you would any normal product.

3) Now select which products you want to include in this bundle. You can include one price option for each product.

4) Once done, click Save. Voila! Your bundle is now available on your web shop.

Make products within a bundle exclusive

If you want certain products to only be available within a bundle package rather than also be available as an individual item to buy, you can do this.

Go to Products and click onto the item you want to only appear on a Bundle. Next click 'Private' where it asks for the Webshop status.

How a customer purchases a bundle

By default, Bundles show at the top of your web shop, so you can’t miss them! 

When a purchaser selects the Bundle, it’ll take them to the Bundle details page that’ll show the description you’ve added in, and it’ll also display the products you’ve included.

Purchases can add the Bundle to their basket, like any other product. When adding a bundle, the individual product items are automatically added to the customers basket.

From here, the checkout experience is like any other normal checkout.


Q) If an item in my basket contains products that can be postal or email, how does a customer select the delivery method?

A) By default, if available, any items in a bundle will be added as digital delivery. A customer can click “Edit” in the basket if they wish to change the delivery method.

Q) Can I include the same product more than once in a bundle? 

A) No, you can only include a product once in a bundle. However, you can include the same product in different bundles.

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