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How to connect Braintree with Toggle
How to connect Braintree with Toggle
Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over 9 months ago

1. Braintree set up

1 - Log in to your Braintree account and head to Settings > API.

2 - Click the option to Generate New API Key.

3 - Take a note of the public key and the private key that are generated for you.

4 - Now head to the Business page in Braintree.

5 - Take a note of your Merchant ID.

6 - On this same page, also take a note of the Merchant Account ID that you want to use on your Toggle shop.

(N.B. Your Merchant ID and Merchant Account ID are different things - don't mix them up!)

2. Toggle set up

With a note of your public key, private key, merchant ID and merchant account ID, now head over to your Toggle dashboard.

  1. Log in to Toggle

  2. From the sidebar, click on Settings > Payment Settings

  3. Click the blue button saying "Connect with Braintree"

A modal will pop up for you to enter your configuration details into the corresponding fields, like shown below.

Once you have entered the details, click the green Submit button.

If the details you submitted were correct you will see the "Connected with Braintree" button highlighted in green, like shown below.

You're all set!

Other things to note...

If you're currently using a sandbox test Braintree account, don't forget to change your details over in the same manner as above once you 'go live'.

Our integration with Braintree supports Braintree's Basic Fraud Tools out of the box.

Any help or questions please get in touch on

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