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Using CBE POS with Toggle

Ready to start using Toggle on CBE POS? Let us walk you through the CBE interface...

Written by Anthony Moore
Updated over 3 years ago

Getting started

When the Toggle Gift Card module is configured, you’ll see additional buttons on the Pay screen.

Three buttons will be added to the Pay screen accessible by all POS Operators:

  • Balance Inquiry

  • Gift Card Sale

  • Gift Card Top Up

  • Gift Card Redeem

  • Void Payment

Balance Inquiry

The balance inquiry button will query if the card is active, and show how much balance is remaining on the card. This action will not add or remove any funds from a card.

1. Select Balance Inquiry button on the finish screen.

2. A pop up and ask for the Gift Card Number, you can manually enter or scan the card (Note, please check your scanners support QR code scanning)

3. After inputting the card number press OK and the balance on the card will display.

Sell a gift Card

Selling a gift card is used to sell a new physical card from the POS and load it with a custom value.

1. On the finish screen select gift Card

2. Choose Toggle and press OK

3. Enter or choose an amount you wish to top up the card by.

4. Select Issue New Card

5. Press Add New

6. You will see the Amount and Quantity display on the right under Summary

7. Select Finish

8. You can now enter or scan the card number of the Card you wish to Activate. Then Press OK

9. It will give you a success message

10. The transaction can then be Paid with Cash or with Credit Card.

Redeem a gift card

Redeeming a gift card is used when you want to apply a gift card to a basket.

1. Select Toggle as your payment type and press Apply

2. A Ui will pop up asking to enter the Gift Card Number, you can manually enter the code, swipe the card, or scan the QR code.

3. If successful it will display approved, and you can select ok to apply the payment

Top-up a Gift Card

The top-up gift card will enable you to add funds, to an previously active gift card. This cannot be used to issue an unsold gift card, its only for adding currency onto a previously activated card.

1. On the finish screen select gift Card

2. Choose Toggle and press OK

3. Enter or choose an amount you wish to top up the card by.

4. Select Reload Top Up Existing Card

5. Press Add New

6. You will see the Amount and Quantity display on the right under Summary

7. Select Finish

8. You can now enter or scan the card number of the Card you wish to top up. Then Press OK

9. It will give you a success message

10. The transaction can then be Paid with Cash or with Credit Card.

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