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How to set up Toggle Tickets
Cal Reader avatar
Written by Cal Reader
Updated over 9 months ago

āš”Toggle Tickets is a Booster feature on Toggle. Read more about it here!

Please get in touch with the Customer Success team on to get this feature added to your account.

Toggle Tickets gives your customers the ability to buy tickets for events on your Toggle web shop, and redeem via our handheld web app, Toggle POS Mode.

Quick summary

Here's the steps to create a Ticket:

  1. Log in to your Toggle account

  2. From the sidebar, click on Shop > Products

  3. Click on 'Add'

  4. Select the 'Ticket' option

  5. Fill in the details

  6. Press Save

Video guide

How to create a Ticket

From your dashboard sidebar, click on Shop and then click the blue Add button near the top right of the page.

On the modal that shows up (like shown below) click the Tickets option.

You can then configure the description, images and the usual stuff, which will then show on the shop.

Event images:

Upload up to 5 images that get displayed on your Toggle shop for this product. If you upload more than one image you can also choose to do an image auto-scroll, including auto-scroll speed.

Event name:

Give your ticket a name. This will appear on the Toggle shop and on the receipt email.

Event description:

This is displayed on the Toggle shop home page only.

Event long description:

When clicking onto the ticket product from the shop home page, this description will appear.

Ticket pricing:

Set the price for your event here. If you have different pricing tiers, you can set multiple and give them each a description to distinguish them when it's displayed on the shop.

Number available:

Set a limit the number of tickets available for purchase per venue, per time slot. Or set no limit. If there's a limit, you can also set a 'Display number remaining' on the shop.

Ticket status:

Choose 'active' to make the product accessible on the Toggle shop or 'inactive' to stop sales and hide the product.

Webshop status:

Set to 'public' to display the product on your Toggle shop. Set to 'private' to hide it but allow access via direct URL. This option is available only if the Product Status is active.

Cards Should Become Active:

By default, cards activate immediately. Optionally, set a delayed activation of up to a week.

Ticket instructions:

Explain how the ticket can be redeemed for the event. This appears on the receipt email the customer gets upon purchase.

Event settings - Event type:

Set this to "One-off". (Currently we support only one-off events).

Event settings - Date of event:

Set the date of your event using the blue calendar icon.

Event settings - Event locations:

Set the location(s) your event is happening at. These locations are based on the sites listed on the Settings > Site Settings page of your dashboard.

Event settings - Event times (24h):

Set the time of your event.

Sales Tax:

If you have sales taxes set up on your account, select the tax to set for this product. You can add or edit your sales tax options on the Settings > Sales tax page of your dashboard.

Purchasing a ticket

Tickets show like any other product on the web shop, but give the purchaser the choice of venue, time slot, and price option, like this:

For the purchaser, the receipt email that they get will now contain a link to view their ticket(s), like this:

Things to note:

  • If you purchase multiple tickets, they all show on the same link

  • This is the receipt email, so customers should think about the subject line of that email, to make sure it makes sense in the context of tickets as well as gifts/experiences (e.g. ā€œThanks for your orderā€ vs ā€œThanks for purchasing a gift cardā€)


Redemption is via our handheld web app, Toggle POS mode.

You can scan tickets from POS Mode and click to check people in. If a ticket is already used, it will tell you:


Ticket orders will show on the Toggle overview dashboard, alongside other products. They will also appear in the Order and Order Line Item exports, again like any other product.


Can you run a Promo or offer Free of Charge tickets?

This is something currently unavailable, however we are working on this as a future feature!

Can Toggle Tickets be bought on the door of the event?

Currently tickets must be bought in advance of the event

Can we make age restricted tickets?

Not currently, we would suggest putting a T&Cs advising ID may be asked for on the door

VAT on Tickets

Tickets should have VAT considered as part of their price. So when someone purchases a Ā£10 ticket. Thatā€™s Ā£10 inc. VAT (unlike Gift Cards, which doesnā€™t have any VAT considered at the point of sale)

How do tickets differ from Experiences or Gift Cards?

Experiences and Gift Cards are both pre-paid cards, which are redeemed at the point of payment in the guest journey.

Tickets are redeemed at the point of arrival in the venue, and carry no ā€œbalanceā€ like a gift card does. Once they are used, they are finished with.

Furthermore, guests buy tickets for events on certain dates/times, whereas gifts and experiences are generally redeemable across wider date ranges.

So in that respect, the purchase journey is slightly different, as the purchaser is selecting the date/time of the event they are going to visit for, directly at the point of purchase.

Any help or questions please get in touch on

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