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Trigger actions and alerts using Zapier
Trigger actions and alerts using Zapier

You can use Toggle web hooks and Zapier to trigger alerts or other actions using Zapier. Here's how.

Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over a week ago


If you are user of Zapier, you'll already know what a useful and powerful tool it can be.

The good news is that you can use Toggle web hooks in Zapier to trigger custom actions.

In this guide, we'll show you how to trigger an email in Zapier whenever an order is received in Toggle, but you can of course use Zapier to trigger and connect with all sorts of other platforms.

Bear in mind, we're assuming you are familiar with using Zapier's interface. If you're just getting started with Zapier, head over to their learning centre before diving in.

Part one: setting up a web hook in Zapier

1 - To start with, create a new Zap in Zapier:

2 - Select the Webhooks by Zapier trigger:

3 - For the Trigger Event, select Catch Hook and then click Continue.

4 - At this point, you need to copy the Webhook URL that Zapier provide you:

5 - Once copied, send over this URL to and request that a web hook event is set up to trigger to this Zapier URL. (For this 'order alert' example Zap, you'll want a trigger on "Order.created", but you'll see there are other trigger types listed in our documentation that you could request).

Part two: using your web hook

Once our support team have confirmed your web hook is active, you can proceed to the next step.

1 - Over in Toggle, complete the action you want to trigger. In this example Zap, create a test order.

2 - Back in Zapier, you can run the test on your hook and you'll see the raw data being sent over from Toggle from the order you just created:

3 - Click Continue and proceed to set up your Action. In this example, we want to send an email on every new order created, so select the Emails by Zapier option.

4 - Complete the details that you want to see in the email, including who to send it to (e.g. your own email or a shared inbox), the subject line and any body copy. Example:

5 - Click to Test and Review and to Test and Continue. You'll get an email to the email address you specified for you to check over.

6 - If you're all happy, you can turn your Zap on.

7 - You're done! In this example, you'll now start receiving emails every time a new order is created in Toggle:

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