Log into Toggle
On the sidebar click Customise
Click the email you want to switch off - Gift, Receipt, Reminder, or Dispatch
Click No to the Send gift emails? prompt
Press save
Example below:
Switching off the Gift emails will mean the intended recipient of a digital gift card on your online shop will not receive one.
Switching off the Receipt emails will mean the customer who buys a gift card or product on your Toggle shop will not get a receipt email confirming their purchase.
Switching off the Reminder emails will mean the customer who was sent a digital gift card will not get a reminder to spend it before it expires.
Switching off the Dispatch emails will mean a customer who buys a physical gift card or product from your Toggle shop will not get a confirming their order is on its way.
Why switch off these emails?
A reason for turning off emails here might be because you'd rather use webhooks to trigger emails in your own CRM (e.g. Acteol) rather than have the Toggle emails sent out.
Having the Toggle emails switched off will prevent your guests receiving two emails - one from Toggle and another from your CRM!
These guides have more information:
How do I re-send Toggle's emails if they were switched off?
If you've switched your email(s) to off by accident, or you want to back track on having them switched off so you can send customers the relevant emails, you can do this manually on the Purchases section.
These guides will help with this process:
This will be a very manual process if you have lots of re-sends to do. If you're unsure if a customer received their email from Toggle get in touch with us and we might be able to assist in checking if a customer got their email.
Can I switch off the cancellation email on Toggle?
At the moment this is not possible. A guest (who purchases something on your Toggle shop) will get a cancellation email from Toggle automatically when you cancel their order on the Toggle dashboard.
This guide has more information: