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How to search for a specific gift card
Stephen Evans avatar
Written by Stephen Evans
Updated over 9 months ago

If you need to find the details for a specific gift card on your Toggle dashboard, here are the details about how to find it.


  1. Log in to Toggle

  2. From the sidebar click on Purchases and then Cards

  3. Click onto the "Unique code" search filter

  4. Type in or paste in the gift card's unique code (no spaces or dashes)

  5. Click onto the card that shows up to see the details for it

Using the search filters...

If you don't know what the gift card's unique code is you can search for the card using the other search filters:

  • Date - if you know the date or rough date range the gift card was purchases, use this filter to narrow down your search

  • Unique code - like described above, this is a good option if you know the exact code

  • Purchaser name - if you know who purchased the gift card, use this filter

  • Purchaser email - if you know the email the purchase used, this filter might be useful

  • Recipient name - if you know the recipient's name you can use this filter

  • Recipient email - if the gift card was sent digitally this filter can help you find the gift card

Using multiple search filters...

You can use multiple search filters to help you narrow down your search for a specific gift card, like shown in the example below where you might know the first name of the purchaser and the recipient's email address.

Example: searching for gift cards with a Purchaser named Ash - this comes up with 5 results...

After narrowing the search down using the Recipient email we have found the gift card we are looking for...

The gift card I'm searching for doesn't exist?

If you see a "No cards found." message after using the search filters it means either the gift card doesn't exist or the details you've searched for are incorrect.

You could have a go searching for the gift card using different details or double check the details you have used are right.

Something to note for the Unique Code search filter is that you must search the code as one string of numbers - no spaces or dashes.

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