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How to import gift card data to your Toggle account
How to import gift card data to your Toggle account

Here's the steps to importing any gift cards you had from previous platforms

Stephen Evans avatar
Written by Stephen Evans
Updated this week

Our Toggle Switch service lets you import non-Toggle gift cards into your Toggle account. This is perfect if you have gift cards from a previous provider or unsold stock printed before joining Toggle.

Why import your gift cards?

✅ Keep all gift card data - past and present - on one platform
✅ Make financial reporting easier with everything in your Toggle reports
✅ Allow your front-of-house team to sell and redeem all gift cards in the same way

How to import your gift cards

To import your existing gift cards into Toggle, follow these steps:

1️⃣ Contact us - Reach out to your Customer Success Manager or email our support team at letting them know you want to do an import.

2️⃣ Set an import date - Choose a date at least 7 working days in advance when you want the import done.

3️⃣ Send a sample file - Provide a sample of your gift card data so we can check formatting and ensure smooth processing. Let us know which till system you use (or plan to use) for redemptions on Toggle.

4️⃣ Submit the final file - On the agreed date, send us a password-protected CSV file with your complete gift card data. Follow the format in the linked CSV guide below.

What gift card data can be imported into Toggle?

For live gift cards already in circulation, we can import the following details into your Toggle account:

Current balance - Required
Unique redemption code - Required
Expiry date - Required
Purchaser’s name & email (if available)
Recipient’s name & email (if available)
PIN number (if applicable)
Notes (if any)

What can’t be imported?

Certain details, like the gift card name, transaction reference number, or the original purchase amount, cannot be imported into Toggle.

💡 Tip: If you have data on cancelled or expired gift cards, we recommend including them in the import. They’ll be recorded with a £0 / €0 balance for reference.

Use the button below to download the CSV template with the exact format required for your gift card data. 👇

(please note file has dummy data which will need to be deleted)

When you have finished populating the file with your gift card data please send it securely to your Customer Success contact.

What Can Be Imported for Unsold Gift Card Stock?

If you have physical gift cards that haven’t been sold yet, we can import the following details into your Toggle account:

Unique redemption code – Required
PIN number (if applicable)

Use the button below to download the CSV template with the exact format needed for your unsold gift card stock import. 👇

(please note file has dummy data which will need to be deleted)

When you have finished populating the file with your gift card data please send it securely to your Customer Success contact.

How do the imported gift cards look when it's on my Toggle account?

Your imported gift cards will appear on the Overview page on the sales graph, your Purchases page, and on your reports on the Data page.

On the Overview page.

The total balance of the imported gift cards will show within the month it was imported to your Toggle account on the 'Total sales by year' bar graph. The Outstanding active balance graph will also be updated.

On the Purchases page.

When you first click onto the Purchases page (on the orders section) any imported/ migrated gift card will show up as 'system'. (Other gift cards purchased such as digital gifts on the webshop will say 'email').

Annotation on 2022-03-23 at 15-59-59.png

If you click on the gift card you'll be taken to a page that'll look like this. On here you'll see that the gift card is labelled and named as being a migrated card.

Annotation on 2022-03-23 at 16-03-21.png

If you click on the 'View card details' button you then see a page that shows the data we imported from the CSV file.

Annotation on 2022-03-23 at 16-08-57.png

On the Data page.

When you download the 'Cards' report on the Data page, you'll see your imported gift cards labelled as 'Migration product' on the Gift name column and 'Balance import' on the Transaction discount type column. The other information we imported like the recipient name and email, unique code, initial balance when imported (first top up balance column) are on this report.

The 'Balance Adjustments' and 'Orders' report will also say if a gift card was an imported on if it says 'Migration' in the Sales channel column.

Annotation on 2022-03-23 at 16-25-54.png
Annotation on 2022-03-23 at 16-32-47.png

Will your customers know their gift card has been imported into Toggle?

No. Your customers won't get any email or notification to say their gift card is now a "Toggle" one. Their gift card will remain just as it is. When they redeem their gift card in your venue, your front of house team can key the gift card code into the POS and redeem it as normal.

Other points to consider:

Imported gift cards - is it considered discount or tender? Because these imports are balance imports, technically no money has exchanged hands when that balance enters Toggle, so it will show as a discount on your dashboard and reports. However, at the point of redemption the imported gift card is treated as tender.

Order creation date. The day/time the gift cards are imported into your Toggle account is considered the date it was ordered.

The card alias. The card alias is the actual unique code that we import. The unique number that shows up next to it on the Purchases and Data reports is the Toggle code that has been matched to the alias number - this just means when the imported card is redeemed, Toggle knows what card it relates to.

Any help or questions please get in touch on

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