Logos and Icons on your webshop
Stephen Evans avatar
Written by Stephen Evans
Updated over a week ago

Upload logos to put the finishing touches on your webshop. The logo will show on all your emails and at the top of your webshop. You can also add your own favicon to your Toggle shop here.

The logo will show at the top of your Toggle webshop, and will pull through to your emails. File sizes for your logo should be under 2MB, and we recommend dimensions of around 730 x 300px.

The thumbnail logo is used for larger square images; currently only on Apple Wallets at the time of writing this article. For the thumbnail logo, file sizes should be under 2MB and recommended size is 300 x 300px.

Favicons are used by most browsers to represent your website on browser tabs and in bookmarks. Your favicon logo will show on website browser tabs to show that the website is linked to your brand. The dimensions for the favicon should be 32 x 32px.

Webclips are used in places like Safari’s bookmarks. They show up when your website link is saved to your smartphone’s home screen. The dimensions for a webclip logo should be 256 x 256px.

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