Create an API user on Toggle
Enable the Toggle integration via LOKE
Test the integration
Step 1: Create an API on Toggle
If needed here's more info on how to create the API (video included).
Log in to Toggle
On the sidebar click Settings > Integrations > LOKE
Click create new user
Copy the username and password onto a separate document and press create
Once you click create you can't retrieve the API password again so that's why we recommend saving it in a separate document.
Step 2: Enable the Toggle integration via LOKE
You'll need to get in touch with your LOKE account manager to help with this setup. This can only be done via the backend of their platform
Enable the Toggle app to the clients account
Setup the API details (Username and Password obtained from point 1)
Within the clients App, map the discounts
Note, Discounts for £10, £20, £50 will be required for this
Customers should now be able to exchange Toggle gift cards for LOKE Points within the LOKE platform.
Step 3: Test the integration
The next step will be to validate the setup has worked.
We recommend you:
Send yourself a free of charge digital voucher
Use the voucher code on the till to see if it works (e.g. redeem it, check balance)
Other people on your team may benefit from seeing how gift vouchers works during this stage.