Please note you need to be a "Store Owner" user to create API users on Toggle.
How to create API users:
Log into Toggle
On the sidebar, click Settings > Integrations
Click the integration partner you want to create the API connection for
Click the blue Create new user button
Copy the API username and password into a separate document/password manager*
Tick the "I’ve taken a note of this password..." prompt
Click the blue Create button
*This is important because once you create the username/password (Step 7), the password is hidden and can't be retrieved. Be sure to save a copy!
Once your API user is created you'll see the date and time it was created and also the username (but the password is hidden and can't be retrieved).
If you didn't note down the API password during the set up, delete the current API and re-do the above steps.
Short video (no sound)
To get more details about the specific integration partner you're setting up an API connection for, for please find the support guide for them here.
Set up continued...
If you haven't already done so, part of the process of integrating Toggle with another platform is to add sites to Toggle and then add the 'site IDs' to Toggle.
This completes the integration by allowing sales and redemptions for gift cards to work at the correct venues.
Adding site names & references in Toggle
Go to Settings > Site Settings and add your sites (more info here).
Example below:If your integration partner uses site IDs/references, add them under Integrations. Request these from your integration partner’s Account Manager.
Example below:
Bespoke integrations
If you want to integrate with a platform we don’t currently support, let us know - we may already be working on it.
Otherwise, you can use Toggle’s webhooks for a custom integration, but you’ll need a developer to set it up.
To generate a username/password for an integration, use the "Other" category at the bottom of the Integrations page.