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How to set up Toggle Champions
Stephen Evans avatar
Written by Stephen Evans
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Fraud protection and associated charges

To help protect you from fraudulent activity, Champions comes with a built-in one-time passcode (OTP) mobile verification. We will charge you 5p per OTP text message sent for each 'Champion' and 'Friend' sign up. This billing will be added to your existing invoice. Click here to learn more.

Quick summary

Here's the steps to create a Champions scheme:

  1. Log in to your Toggle account

  2. From the sidebar, click on Champions

  3. Click the blue 'Add new scheme' button

  4. Fill in the details

  5. Press Save

How to create a Champion scheme

From your dashboard sidebar, click on Champions and then click the blue Add new scheme button near the top right of the page.

You'll now see a configuration page where you set up the details of your Champion scheme, which is split into 6 sections.

1. Customise your Champion sign up page 📝🤩

The Champion sign up page is the sign up form that Champions will see when the brand sends them the sign up offer.

Banner image.

Upload up to 5 images that get displayed on the sign up page. If you upload more than one image you can also choose to do an image auto-scroll, including auto-scroll speed.

Scheme name (internal).

Give your scheme a relevant name to help you find it on your Toggle dashboard. This will appear on the list of schemes on the 'Champions' section of your dashboard.

Champion sign up page title.

This title appears on the sign up page your Champion guests will visit.

Champion URL.

Set a URL your Champions will see on their browser and use to find the Sign Up page.

Champion sign up page description.

Tell people how the scheme works - this shows up on the Sign Up page.

Referral scheme status.

Making inactive will turn the scheme off completely and stop any existing Champions from receiving or sending gifts.

Allow new Champions to join scheme.

Selecting "No" will stop any new Champions from joining the scheme

Apply sign up limits to scheme?

Choose "Yes" to limit the number of sign ups this scheme can have for both Champion and Friend sign ups.


Here's how this part looks when it's filled out and how it looks in reality for the Champion on the Sign Up page.

2. Customise your Champion welcome page 👋😃

The Champion welcome page is what the Champion sees once they’re successfully signed up to the scheme.

Welcome message title.

This title will appear once a Champion has signed up, as well as on the welcome email.

Welcome message.

This text will appear once a Champion has signed up, as well as on the welcome email.


Here's how this part looks when it's filled out and how it looks in reality for the Champion on the welcome page after signing up.

They’ll also receive an email that contains all these details.

3. Configure Champion cards 💳🤑

The Champion card contains the balance you want loaded onto the card upon sign up (or not) and the amount their card gets topped up upon each friend sign up on their Champions link.

Issue value to Champion on initial sign up?

Choosing yes will mean Champions receive value straight away.

Champion's initial sign up gift value.

This is the amount that a Champion will receive when they sign up to your scheme.

Champion gift value.

This is the amount Champions get each time the people who they refer redeem their gift.

Champion card name.

This is the name you give to the card sent to anyone that signs up - it will appear on the email they receive.

4. Configure Friend cards 💳😍

Friend gift value.

This is the amount that anyone claiming a gift through a Champion will receive.

Friend card name.

This is the name you give to the card sent to anyone that signs up. It will appear on the email they receive.

5. Customise your friend page 👋🥳

The Friend page is the sign up form a Friend will see having clicked on the link shared by a Champion.

Banner image.

Upload up to 5 images that get displayed on the friend's sign up page. If you upload more than one image you can also choose to do an image auto-scroll, including auto-scroll speed.

Friend page title.

This title appears on the sign up page a friend of the Champion will visit.

Friend page description.

Tell people who are claiming a gift card from a Champion what to expect.

6. Share links 🔗👉

The share link generated at the bottom of the configuration page on the Toggle dashboard is for the Toggler to use to recruit Champions.

This link can be customised earlier in the page underneath scheme title. Each Champion will then receives their own personal share link once signed up.

How the journey works...

Once the configuration is done, here's how to get it live.

1 - You’ll send the Champion the URL for them to sign up.

2 - When they click the URL, their sign up page will look like this:

3 - When the Champion fills out the sign up form and clicks ‘Join’ they’ll see this page to confirm their mobile number:

4a - Once the Champion has entered the confirmation code from the text message, they’ll then see the confirmation of their sign up, any gift card they’ve received from the sign up, and the URL to share to their friends for them to sign up and get their vouchers.

4b - The Champion will also get their sign up confirmation sent to their email, and it will show up in their inbox as seen below:

5 - When the Champion shares the URL with their friends, this is how the sign up form looks like for the friend:

6 - When the friend fills out their details and clicks ‘Submit’ they will also be prompted to enter the code sent to them by text. When that’s entered, they’ll see this page:

7a - The email will land in their inbox like shown:

7b - And the email itself will look like this:

How can I see who's sign up?

To see who's signed up as a referrer and claimer, you can download the Referral Schemes report on the Data section of your dashboard.

Other reports like the Cards report, Balance Adjustments report, and Orders report will also show Champion vouchers that have been issued and redeemed.

On the Champions page on the dashboard you'll also see a record of the number of Referrers (Champions), Referred (Friends), Opt-ins, and the value issued and redeemed.

It also shows the Cost per joiner - this is the cost to the business for each person that has joined the scheme.

Protecting against fraud and associated charges

To help protect you from fraudulent activity, Champions comes with a built-in one-time passcode (OTP) mobile verification. This feature adds an extra layer of security to your account by requiring a unique code to be entered before signing up as a Champion or inviting a friend to join the platform. The idea is to make it difficult for users to use multiple email addresses to benefit from your scheme.

The OTP code is sent to their mobile device via text message and is only valid for a single use. Please note that there is a charge of 5p per OTP text message sent for each 'Champion' and 'Friend' sign up. This billing will be added to your existing invoice. This fee covers the cost of sending the text messages and ensures that we can offer you a service knowing that reasonable measures are in place to protect your business.

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