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How to create Retail Products
Stephen Evans avatar
Written by Stephen Evans
Updated over 9 months ago

Note: if your Toggle account is using Toggle fulfilment you might not have access to the postage settings on the dashboard, so please ask us for assistance. πŸ‘

Quick summary

πŸ“«βœ‰οΈHere's the steps to set up postage options for the online checkout:

(Preliminary set up)

  1. Log in to your Toggle account

  2. From the sidebar, click on Settings > Postage options

  3. Click the blue Add postage option button

  4. Fill in the details (see link below for more details)

  5. Click the green Add button

For more guidance on this part contact us, or refer to our postage guide here.

πŸ“¦πŸŽHere's the steps to create a retail product:

(Actual set up)

  1. Log in to your Toggle account

  2. From the sidebar, click on Shop > Products

  3. Click on 'Add'

  4. Select the 'Retail product' option

  5. Fill in the details (see below for more details)

  6. Press Save

Short video tutorial

How to set up a Retail Product

Read on for more info about what each part means when creating your Retail Product.

Product Name:

Choose a name for the product. This will appear in the Toggle shop and on the purchaser's receipt.

Product Description:

Displayed on the Toggle shop homepage.

Product Long Description:

Shown on the product's main page in the Toggle shop.

Webshop Value Options:

Set the purchase value for the product in the Toggle shop.

Add Product Sub-Category:

Click 'add product sub-category' to offer additional purchase options, each with its own description and price.

Number Available:

Limit the number of products available to prevent overselling. Leave blank if unlimited.

Type of Fulfilment Available:

  • Digital Receipt: Customers collect their order. No postal address required at checkout. Orders won't show as pending or have dispatch/collection tracking.

  • Physical Option: Customers receive delivery. Postal address required at checkout. Orders show as pending for dispatch tracking. If using our fulfillment service, we'll handle the dispatch.

Product Status:

Set to 'active' to make the product accessible or 'inactive' to stop sales and hide the product.

Webshop Status:

Set to 'public' to display the product in the Toggle shop. Set to 'private' to hide it but allow access via direct URL. This option is available only if the Product Status is active.

Sales Tax:

Add the applicable sales tax for retail products. This will be automatically calculated in your reports.

How will retail products look on the Toggle shop?

Once you've saved your product on the dashboard, click on the 'My Shop Link" found on the sidebar of the dashboard to access your Toggle shop.

The below picture is how your Toggle shop can look with different types of retail products.

If you have questions or need help please get in touch with our support team at

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