The Bulk Edit tool allows you to:
Extend the expiry date of gift cards in bulk (or individual gift cards)
Reverse the breakage of gift cards in bulk (or individual gift cards)
This guide will show you how to do the 'reverse breakage' part of this process.
Before you proceed with doing a breakage reversal, we recommend you extend the expiry dates first. The reason for this is because the Toggle system automatically wipes the balance of expired gift cards every hour. As such, it's best to extend the expiry dates first to avoid the possibility that your breakage reversal (which restores the lost balance of the gift card) will be wiped again by the Toggle system if you happen to do this process near the time the system does its automatic update.
To find out how to edit the expiry date of gift cards using Bulk Edit please refer to this guide here: How to extend the expiry date of live cards (Bulk Edit).
Or, if you need to edit the expiry date of a single gift card, this guide will be useful: How to edit the expiry date of a gift card
The process of reversing the breakage of gift card(s) requires you to add the gift card number(s) to a CSV file on your desktop and then upload that file to Bulk Edit.
Part 1: Adding gift card number(s) to CSV file
Find the gift card(s) you need to reactivate - this can be done either by:
Copy the gift card number(s) into a spreadsheet on your desktop (e.g. Excel) - but include a hashtag (#) at the start of each number, to avoid truncation
Save the spreadsheet as CSV
Part 2: Uploading CSV file to Bulk Edit tool
Click on Bulk Edit
Click the upload symbol/box and upload your CSV file from your desktop
Select Reverse all breakage transactions on "What kind of edit would you like to make?"
Add note (if you want) on "Internal Note"
Select date range the gift card(s) you're reactivating expired in on "Reverse breakages within date range"
After clicking Update Cards (green button) at the bottom of the page you'll see the file is pending (in blue). After a few seconds, or a minute, you will see the pending label switch to a green or orange 'Complete', or a red 'Failed'.
Green Complete = all the gift card numbers on your CSV file have been successfully updated
Orange Complete = one or more gift card on your CSV file has not successfully updated
Red Failed = none of your gift cards on your CSV has been successfully updated
Example below how these can look...