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Customising and previewing emails

Want to tweak your Toggle emails? Here’s how.

Oskar Smith avatar
Written by Oskar Smith
Updated over a week ago

**read on for more information

There are four main emails that Toggle will send to your customers.

  1. Gift email (this is the format of the digital card)

  2. Receipt email (this goes to whoever places the order)

  3. Reminder email (this goes out before the card expires, depending on when you set it to on the product edit page)

  4. Dispatch email (this goes to the customer when a physical order is fulfilled)

You’ll probably want to edit and preview the content of these emails. And guess what? You can!

You can find the settings for these under the Customise menu in your dashboard. They are individually identified: Gift emails, Receipt emails, Reminder emails & Dispatch emails.

Gift emails

Click on Gift emails to start editing the content of your gift card emails. You’ll see fields where you have the option to change:

  • The subject line (keep it exciting and non-spammy!)

  • The ‘reply-to’ address (if customers reply to their email, this is where their email will go)

  • Instructions for how to use the product (e.g. just redeem at the till or book online first)

  • A company description (remember, people who are receiving your voucher may not be familiar with you. Introduce and sell yourself!)

  • Some additional text (that extra bit of copy you might need, or perhaps relating to the 'call to action')

  • An optional ‘Call to action’ button (get the customer to book or use their gift card now)

If you leave a section blank or turn off the Call To Action, that section will be automatically hidden in the email.

Once you’re happy, click Save, or if you want to preview your email click Preview email. Your email will inherit the look and feel of your web shop. Here’s an example:

And when a customer receives their real gift card email, the card details and image of their purchase will be automatically pulled in alongside the content you’ve just saved. Easy!

If you want to, you can remove the QR code from your emails:

Customise emails on a gift by gift basis

By default, all gifts are sent using the content you specify in this base "template". However, if you want to add specific copy or a different call to action on a gift-by-gift basis, you can! Read more about how to do this here.

Receipt emails

Receipt emails are also easy to customise. Just visit the Receipt emails tab.

Here you can customise:

  • The subject line of the receipt email

  • The ‘reply-to’ address

  • Some copy that sits at the top of the receipt email

You can click Preview to see your email and Save once you’re happy with it. It will look something like this:

Turning off emails

If you would like to switch off emails being sent you'll have this option at the top of each page when clicking onto the email section under Customise.

Customising the footer of your emails

You can customise the footer text on each of your emails to let your customers know the T&C's or any other relevant information that you don't want to display in the main body of the email.

You can also customise the colour of your footer text from the Colour section of the Customise tab.

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